Monsoon Car Care Tips: Every Car needs a special maintenance after a very strenous period of Monsoon, cars recieves numerous damages throughout this season. In India, monsoon bring new challenges and expenses for the car owners. These challenges comes in the form of Moisture, high humidity, big potholes on the roads, heavy water logging, deep muds. All these problems badly impacts your vehicle’s looks, performance and life of your car and, if you don’t give your car post monsoon care, it adds up more damages over the period of time. In this artcle, we will talk about the 5 ways you can adopt to give your car a post monsoon care. Checkout the ways in the full story below.
Clean The Outer Body Properly
In India, during the monsoon roads are often seen filled with heavy muds, because of this reason, the outer body of the vehicles catches damage and rust during this period with a covering of mud, you should clean the outer body of your car properly to ensure that the car doesn’t catches rust for the longer period of time which can even destroy the whole body of the car.
Check The Corrosion and Fix It Immediately
Vehicles coming in contact with water and intensively polluted mud catches rust, if the corrosion stays for a longer period of time, it damages the whole body parts over the period of time. If youu have noticed that some parts of your cars are corroded, you should apply Anti rust coating on your car as soon as possible to stop rusting of that specific area of the car’s body.
Check Tyres Of The Vehicle And Fix The Issues
Monsoon also takes a great toll from the car tyres, coming in contact with stones, mud, deep potholes, they also receive significant damage throughout the heavy rains, you should check your car tyres properly for the post monsoon damage and if you notice any little damage in the car tyres, fix them immediiately to avoid incurring any extra expenses in the near future.
Clean The Interiors Properly
The interiors of the car also get damages from the harmful elements in the environment during the monsoon season. In the heavy rains, when moisture and humidity enters in to the cabin, it can cause an odour inside the cabin, touching the seats and interiors of the car that came in contact with moisture and humidity can be a reaason for respiratory problems. So to ensure the safety of your family, you should clean your car’s interior properly.
Check All The Electricals
All the electrical of the car have the highest probablity to receive a damage from the heavy rains. The electrical parts of the car react in a sensitively when they come in contact of heavy splashes of water. You should check your car’s headlamps, Tail lights, indicators, fog lamps and all the electrical parts of the car to avoid spending a significant amount later on.
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