Author: Nikshey Dhiman Date: 24/10/2023
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Yoga exercises are important to live a happy and healthy life. There are several benefits of doing yoga everyday.
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There are moments when you feel like you've swallowed a brick after eating. Yoga can help you in digestion a lot.
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Kneel and sit on your heels with your back straight. Take deep, steady breaths while placing your hands on your knees. This asana aids digestion by increasing blood flow to the belly and decreasing bloating.
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By reversing blood flow and enabling gravity to help move waste and gas through your intestines. Sit with your back to a wall and your side against it. Lie on your back with your legs extended against the wall. Arms should be at your sides.
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This mild posture stimulates the stomach organs and promotes proper digestion. It also relaxes the pelvic and lower abdomen, making it an excellent choice for digestive comfort. Lie on your back and pull your feet's soles together, allowing your knees to fall outward. For 5-10 minutes, place your hands on your tummy and take deep breaths.
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Gomukhasana is beneficial for reducing abdominal tension and boosting digestion. Sit with your legs outstretched. Bend the right knee and stack it on top of the left. Raise your left arm, bend it, and reach behind your back with your right hand. Make an attempt to clasp your hands. Use a strap if you can't.
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It's critical to relax and allow your body to absorb the advantages of your post-meal yoga practice. Close your eyes and focus on deep breathing while lying flat on your back. Shavasana provides mental and physical relaxation.
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