Viral Video: A unique story involving two brothers who turned their automobile into a helicopter has surfaced in the Uttar Pradesh district of Ambedkarnagar. After stopping it at the Akbarpur bus stand, the police were able to seize the modified car that was being driven by the bride to the wedding.
Introduction to the Story
bhaarat samachar posted a video on twitter. For several months, two brothers who lived in the Khajuri Bazaar area of the Malipur police station put a lot of effort into making their car appear like a helicopter. In addition to adding rotors and fans, he planned to paint the car a colour like a helicopter. according to bhaarat samachar.
Safety Concerns
The automobile has been impounded by the police after they deemed it hazardous. According to the police, the car’s modifications may have made driving more dangerous. Following this occurrence, social media users are posting images and videos of this customised car.