Top 10 Most Populated Countries in the World

Author: Subhi Saxena  Date: 11/07/24

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10. Ethiopia

Ethiopia is the second most populous country in Africa with 12.97 crore people. The country faces major challenges for the young population. Less than 20% of the impoverished population finish primary school and less than 25% of children have received basic vaccinations. 

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9. Russia

Russia is the ninth most populated country with 14.39 crore people. However, the country is facing serious demographic challenges, the country's birthrate is declining and the death rate is increasing. There are concerns that country's population will be reduced to one-third by 2050.  

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8. Bangladesh

Bangladesh is the 8th most populated country with 17.47 crore population. The country faces a major challenge of being the most densely populated country globally. It has 9644 people per square kilometer. 

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7. Brazil

Brazil is a South American country with a population of 21.76 crore. The country has now seen a decline in the population but some of the major challenges the country faces are poor health Infrastructure, an aging population and housing issues. 

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6. Nigeria

The most populated country in Africa is Nigeria with a population of 22.91 crore the country faces major challenges in almost every sector. 40% of the population lives below the national poverty line. Unemployment and Economic, Social and Public Health challenges are some of the common problems Nigerians face. 

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5. Pakistan

Pakistan is the fifth most populated country in the world and fourth in Asia. The country faces major issues like Illiteracy, only 58% of the country is literate. Corruption is another big problem the country faces. Lack of resources and infrastructure and some of the other issues. 

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4. Indonesia

Indonesia is the fourth most populated country in the world with a population of 27.9 crore. The country's growth rate is 0.82%. The country suffers from problems like High population density, lack of education, poor health and employment oppurtunities. 

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3. The USA

The USA is the third most populated country. This country has 34.18 crore population. The country is currently facing challenges like the decline in the birth rate and increment in depression and deaths. 

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2. China 

China has recently turned a step down as the most populated country in the world. The country has 142.51 crore people and currently they are facing challenges like an aging population, gender imbalance and environmental degradation. 

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1. India

India with a population of 144.17 crore is the most populated country in the world. Unemployment is a major concern in India today. Cheap labor and Western exploitation of resources are still a major challenge in the country. From healthcare infrastructure to Education India needs major growth in these areas. 

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