Vastu Tips: Is Your Time Management Going Wrong? Check Expert Tips From Ar Savii E Barroliya

Learn vital Vastu advice on the best clock placement from Ar. Savii E. Barroliya to boost output and prevent wasting time.

Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: Recently, Vastu Shastra expert Ar. Savii E Barroliya revealed to her followers that the placement of your clock is as important as anything else in bringing productivity into your life. As per her Instagram handle, savii_e_barroliya, where she can be found, the placement of your clock makes all the difference in how productively you use your time.

Two major directions

According to Barroliya, there are two major directions in which one should not install a clock

East-Northeast: This is the direction of fun and entertainment. One may waste valuable time in having lots of fun instead of doing some constructive work if there happens to be a timepiece in this sector. If this can be avoided, one will remain focused toward goals and will not get distracted.

Southwest: This is a cardinal direction related to discard, flushing, and getting rid of things. Keeping your clock in this sector may subconsciously nurture time wastage and nonproductivity. The clock itself, being an instrument that measures time, might turn out to be an instrument of inefficiency when it faces a direction that invokes a sense of disorder.

Optimal Clock Placement for Productivity

The advice from Barroliya underlines the synchronicity between clock placement according to Vastu and an ideal setting for effective time management. Tips from her indicate that correct placement helps keep one focused and productive in their daily routine.

Keeping these Vastu tips in mind while either customizing your workspace or your home environment will help in achieving productive and balanced daily routines.

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