Vastu Tips: Say Goodbye to Negativity, Follow Arun Kumar Tiwari’s Tips to Keep Negative Energy at Bedroom

Explore the astroarunpandit Instagram account of Arun Kumar Tiwari to learn vital Vastu advice. Discover how eliminating particular items from your bedroom—like TVs, mirrors, and particular paintings—can increase harmony and good energy in your house.

Vastu Tips

Vastu Tips: Arun Kumar Tiwari has a very good say on the Vastu and he told his followers, through his words, on his Instagram account @astroarunpandit, elements that need to be taken off your bedroom urgently so proper harmonic and positive feelings can be made. According to him, certain items in your surroundings impact your relationship, hosts hurt energies, and to attract calm and positive energies, one can surely make a big difference in your home’s energy.

A Mirror in Front of the Bed

Referring to his teachings, Tiwari says that if a mirror is reflecting your image while you sleep, be prepared for negative energy in your bedroom. It is a major source of disturbing peace and tranquility, which results in other issues like anxiety and restlessness. Placing the mirror in a manner where you are neither directly nor indirectly reflected while sleeping will help you in having the right energy in your bedroom.

Built like mirrors, a TV which reflects your image while you lie down in bed. Vastu experts say it will draw down negative energy towards your mental and physical health, one will feel lethargic and poorly well. Tiwari suggests that if your TV is in this position, consider at least switching it off while you’re sleeping.

Paintings Explaining Painful Scenes

According to Tiwari, paintings should be avoided where painful scenes such as a wrecked ship or a setting sun are. It causes sorrow, which could, in the end, lead to constant fights between partners. On the contrary, one is supposed to select a painting that brings out calmness and harmony for a peaceful atmosphere.

Summarily, these Vastu tips will bring up a more balanced and peaceful environment in your bedroom. With these changes, you will see a difference in general well-being and fortification of relationships.

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