Car Care Tips: 5 Ways to Keep your EV in top condition; Check out

EV Car

Electric Vehicle: In India, a large number of car buyers are choosing Electric vehicles over Internal combustion vehicles running on fuels like petrol, diesel etc. Government also provides various subsidies and incentives to the Electric vehicle buyers like Fame-2 subsidy and other state government subsidy. One hand, where government strive to promote a shift toward electric vehicles. Many of the people stay hesitant to buy EV for some reasons like high purchasing, low awareness of the EV benefits. Most of the people have a misconception in their minds that EVs need high maintenance which is not true at all. If you have also purchased or planning to purchase an Electric car. Check out 5 easy ways to keep your car in top-class condition.

Keep a check on the motor

A motor is one of the most important and integral parts of an EV. Electric Vehicle motor works as the powerhouse of the vehicle. But it does not require the high maintenance cost as the petrol- and diesel-powered engines in the ICE vehicles. In an electric car, the owner needs to keep a check on some of the important components of the car which include changing fuel filters and getting your car’s motor serviced as the engine of the conventional vehicle.

Take care of the battery

A battery is the most essential and sensitive part of EVs. In this case, it is important to keep a check on the vehicle’s battery. There are some easy ways to keep your EVs battery efficient for a long period of time which are as follows:

Keep a check on brakes

Electric vehicles come with regenerative braking systems which is more efficient than the braking system used in conventional vehicles. Regenerative braking keeps the brake pads in a maintained condition for a longer period. However, these brakes require less frequent replacement, you must not forget to get the brakes services at the right durations.

Always use an original charger

You are suggested to always use the original company provided charger for charging your EV. It’s because the original charger comes with appropriate protective layers and shields to avoid any short circuits and sparks or charge loss.


You must keep these EV maintenance tips in your mind before you proceed to buy a new attractive electric car. You are also advised to get your car insured to avoid incurring huge amounts after an unwanted event. With the above-mentioned tips you can get more power and efficiency with your electric vehicle.

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