Legal News India: Credit Card Scams – Know Your Rights, Stay Safe

Legal News India

Legal News India

Legal News India: Falling victim to a credit card scam can be a heart-stopping experience, leaving you financially vulnerable and emotionally shaken. But in India, you have legal recourse and safety measures to reclaim control and prevent future attacks. Here’s how to navigate the aftermath and regain your financial security.

Legal Safeguards

  1. The Information Technology Act, 2000: This act criminalizes cyber fraud, including credit card scams. Promptly file a complaint with the Cyber Crime Cell, either at your local police station or online at
  2. The Indian Penal Code: Consult a lawyer specializing in cybercrime or banking law to understand relevant sections like cheating, forgery, and criminal breach of trust that may apply to your case.
  3. The Consumer Protection Act, 2019: If the scam involved deficient service from the bank or card issuer, file a complaint with the Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission to protect your consumer rights and seek compensation.
  4. The Banking Ombudsman Scheme: If your bank’s response is inadequate, file a complaint with the Banking Ombudsman to help resolve disputes between you and your bank.

Key Actions to Take

Safety Measures for a Secure Future

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