Balanced Diet: What is it, Why is it Important for Your Body? Check AIIMS Doctor’s Expert Advice

Learn the skill of balanced nutrition with insights into a variety of meal selections, the best possible dietary composition, and intelligent food pairings. Examine how modern methods such as Keto can complement conventional diets to provide a more comprehensive approach to health.

Balanced Diet

Balanced Diet: Nowadays, with so much information available to us at all times, it’s simple to become disoriented in the sea of fad diets and nutritional fads. A balanced diet, however, is one essential idea that rises above the rest of the cacophony. In a recent Instagram post, prominent Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat clarifies this important facet of leading a healthy lifestyle.

The Key to Nutritional Wholeness

Dr. Sehrawat stresses the significance of variety in our dietary choices above all else. We cannot obtain all the vital elements our bodies require to flourish from a single dietary item. To make sure we’re getting the complete range of nutrients our bodies need, it’s crucial to include a wide variety of foods in our meals.

Second, Dr. Sehrawat deconstructs the perfect food combination for a diet that is balanced. She suggests figuring out how much energy we need each day and dividing it up as follows: 20–30% should come from healthy fats (like almonds, walnuts, and cooking oils), 10-15% should come from protein (found in pulses, lentils, and legumes), and 50–55% should come from carbohydrates (such wheat, cereals, and vegetables). She also emphasizes the significance of micronutrients from fruits and vegetables, which complete our meals’ nutritional profiles.

Maximizing Nutritional Benefits through Food Combinations

Finally, Dr. Sehrawat stresses the importance of meal pairings. She gives examples of how some meals, albeit deficient in vital nutrients alone, can work well together when partnered with one another. For example, lentils are a good source of the important amino acid lysine, whereas roti (wheat bread) may not have much of it. We can make sure that our bodies get all the amino acids they need for optimum health by mixing these two foods.

Essentially, the message from Dr. Priyanka Sehrawat is very clear: although diet fads come and go, a balanced diet that includes a variety of foods in the right amounts and deliberate mixes is still the cornerstone of a healthy lifestyle. Let’s take her advise to heart and set out on a path to long-term health and wellbeing.

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