Vitamin D For Body: Vitamin D is indispensable to maintain a healthy body. Vitamin D provides a lot of energy to the body, enabling the body to function effectively. Vitamin D is also known as the sunshine vitamin. When the sun rays fall on our skin, vitamin D automatically begins to form in the body. However, if you don’t go out in the sunlight often, you can get vitamin D from consuming a variety of foods. Many doctors say that maintaining the right amount of vitamin D in the body is very important, its deficiency increases the risk of many serious diseases.
Symptoms of vitamin D deficiency in the body
1- Increased blood pressure
2- Wrinkles on face and hands
3- Pain in joints and bones
4- Feeling of weakness in muscles
5- Fatigue and weakness
6- Feeling excessively sleepy
7- Feeling stressed and depressed
Diseases caused by vitamin D deficiency in the body
1- Increased risk of heart diseases
2- Breaking of Bones due to pain and weakness
3- Bone diseases Osteomalacia and Osteoporosis
4- Having diabetes
5- Weakened immunity
6- Inflammatory and infectious diseases
7- Risk of cancer
Benefits of Vitamin D in the body
1- Strong immunity
2- Keep the brain and nervous system healthy
3- Strengthen bones and teeth
4- Control Insulin and Blood Sugar
5- Keep the heart healthy and away from diseases
6- Strengthen the lungs and increase efficiency
7- Reducing the risk of cancer
Foods enriched with Vitamin D
1- Salmon fish and fatty fish
2- Egg yolk
3- Orange juice
4- Cow’s Milk- Curd and Dairy Products
5- Mushrooms and whole grains
6- Tomato, radish and cabbage