Health Tips: From Acne to Wrinkles! Understanding the Link between Sugar Intake and Skin Conditions

Health Tips

Health Tips: The topic of sugar has generated a lot of debate in the nutrition and fitness world. Sugar is used by the body as an energy source, thus consuming too much of it can increase your risk of developing a number of illnesses, including cardiovascular problems, high cholesterol, weight gain, diabetes, and non-fatty liver disease (NFLD). Because it raises the chance of developing numerous skin conditions like acne and eczema as well as premature ageing, signs of an excessive sugar intake can also be seen on the skin. An Instagram post by nutritionist Nmami Agarwal highlighted the negative affects sugar can have on your skin.

The Role of Sugar in Skin Inflammation and Acne Breakouts

“Consuming excessive amounts of sugar can lead to increased inflammation in the body, which can manifest as acne on the skin. High sugar intake can cause a spike in insulin levels, leading to the production of excess sebum, clogged pores, and the growth of acne-causing bacteria,” she wrote.

Understanding Glycation and AGEs

Sugar can encourage a process known as glycation, in which sugar molecules bind to collagen and elastin fibres in the skin, weakening them, increasing their susceptibility to wrinkles, and speeding up the ageing process. ‘Increased insulins speed up the development of advanced glycation end-products (AGEs).’ According to the expert, ‘these AGEs can harm collagen and elastin fibres, causing a loss of skin elasticity, an increase in wrinkles, and drooping.’

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