Delhi News: Government restricts use of Mobile Phones in all Private & Govt Schools

Delhi News

Delhi News

Delhi News: In an important announcement made by the Directorate of Education, All Delhi Schools including Government and Private are not allowed to use their Mobile Phones in the school premises. According to the instructions given by the Education Board, Parents must ensure that their child must not carry cell phone to school. It is also mentioned that if at all the child brings Mobile Phone to school, the school authorities have to make arrangements in a way that the child can keep the Mobile in some Locker and collect it when the school gets over.

Teaching Staff will also be barred from using Cellphones

Apart from the students, the school staff like Teachers and other staff members of the schools have been asked not to use Mobiles during school hours, in classes, play grounds, Library or even in Laboratories. All the schools are instructed to give helpline numbers to the Parents of the children in case of any emergency. The Delhi Government has also announced that from now onwards all Teachers will mark the attendance on their Computers. No Teacher will mark the attendance in Registers anymore

Govt schools will be taught Japanese, French and German

From Now onwards, 58 Government schools of Delhi will now teach French, German and Japanese in schools. This order will be followed in classes 6 and 7th .

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