Allu Arjun is in the news after a woman died in Hyderabad due to Allu Arjun's surprise appearance at the Sandhya Theatre. The death is reported to be the result of a stampede caused by the actor's surprise appearance and the poor management of the threatre staff. The Police have filled a case on the actor, his security team and the theatre management for mishandling of the situation. Following this news, the actor took to his Twitter to release a video addressing this situation. However some people seem unhappy with the actor's response, with comment calling it a "Blockbuster Video."
Allu Arjun addresses the People in Twitter Video
In the video released on Allu Arjun's Twitter the actor addresses the situation and informs the people that he will compensate the family with ₹25 Lakhs. The caption of the video reads, "Deeply heartbroken by the tragic incident at Sandhya Theatre. My heartfelt condolences go out to the grieving family during this unimaginably difficult time." The actor continues the caption by saying, "I want to assure them they are not alone in this pain and will meet the family personally. While respecting their need for space to grieve, I stand committed to extend every possible assistance to help them navigate through this challenging journey."
Internet Reacts To Allu Arjun's Video
The video response of Allu Arjun has gone viral on Twitter with the video sitting at 2.4 million views in a span of hours. Moreover, the replies to the video shows a divide in how people perceive the video. Some replies sarcastically point out the high production quality of the video and a lack of sensitivity displayed by Allu Arjun. However, the actor's fans think that this the most the actor can do. One user pointed out everything wrong with the video and with called it a "blockbuster video." On the contrary another user expressed his understanding of the situation by saying "Don't worry bro it's just a accident."
The internet sits divided on this situation. Some people are pointing out holes in Allu Arjun's video, while others think this is the most he can do. More information regarding the incident will surface as police continues to pursue this case.
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