Natasa Stankovic Spends Quality Time With Son Agastya After Divorcing Hardik Pandya; How to Overcome Single Parent Woes

This article delves into the tips of overcoming the challenges of being a single parent.

Natasa Stankovic

Natasa Stankovic

Ever since her divorce from cricketer Hardik Pandya, Natasa Stankovic has been doing what she does best: focusing on her son Agastya. The actress-model shares beautiful moments spent with the little man, exposing her crusade into single parenting. While Natasa is walking down this different way, lessons can be learned from what this phase of her life goes through while dealing with the crisis of raising a child single-handedly.

Natasa Stankovic Spends Quality Time with Agastya

Recent social media posts prove that nothing comes before making her son happy and healthy. The mother-son duo is bonding well from playground adventures to special times. All these instances are not only emotionally going to support Agastya but are a healing process for Natasa herself.

Beating Challenges of a Single Parent

Build a Support Network: Many single parents often experience isolation. Isolation can be overcome by developing a support system, friends, and other single parents. Such a network may provide emotional support, practical help, and adult interaction.

Develop a Routine: A daily routine can provide more security for the parent and child. This structure brings about a feeling of normalcy and uses time wisely.

Take Care of Yourself: It’s very easy for parents, as single parents, to forget their needs while catering to their children. However, taking time out for themselves is very important. Whether it is exercise or any other hobby, finding ways to support one another is quite important in the context of mental and emotional well-being.

Open Communication with Your Child: Age-appropriate, open and honest communication about the family issue will have a better effect on their adjustment. Children especially need time to feel and express themselves, which is crucial for their emotional development.

Seek Professional Help if Necessary: Asking for professional help should be an important priority. Counselling or therapy can provide both parent and child with effective advice and tips to adapt and cope with the changes occurring in each other’s life.

Focus on Quality, Not Quantity: Don’t focus on the limit of the time. Instead of that, focus on quality during the time with the child. Make the moments count when you are actually spending time with them by giving undivided attention and engaging in meaningful activities.

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