Sadhguru tips: How to master pranayama for psychological balance


According to Sadhguru, ‘People frequently translate pranayama into English as a breathing technique or workout, which is incorrect. Prana is “the life energy,” and yama means to master it. As a result, controlling one’s inner energies is a subtle technique. Because it’s crucial to transform inner energy in order to stabilise the body and the mind, these processes are taught in detail.’

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Understanding the Intelligent Energy that Influences Body and Mind

According to the spiritual master Sadhguru, Your prana ultimately determines how your body, mind, and entire system function, regardless of what you accomplish in life. An intelligent energy is prana. Prana acts differently in each individual because it is engraved with the karmic memory of the person. In contrast, electricity lacks both intelligence and memory. Not because of its intellect, but rather because of the specific gadget it powers, it can turn on a lightbulb, operate a camera, and perform a myriad of other tasks. There might also be intelligent electricity in the future. Energy may be made to act in a specific way if you can successfully imprint it with a particular memory.

Controlling Prana for Psychological Balance

Sadhguru suggests that the body’s prana manifests in five fundamental ways. Different parts of the human mechanism are controlled by these pancha vayus, which include prana vayu, samana vayu, udana vayu, apana vayu, and vyana vayu. You can control the pancha vayus using yogic exercises like the Shakti Chalana Kriya. You’ll be able to overcome these five vayus and be free of the majority of illnesses, especially psychological ones, if you do so. The world needs something like this right now. If we don’t take action now, there will be a significant increase in the number of people who are psychologically unbalanced, disturbed, or insane in the next 50 years as a result of different aspects of our lifestyles. We are treating a lot of things in our life with shocking negligence, and we will pay the price. Whatever the circumstances on the outside, if you control your prana, you will maintain psychological equilibrium. Many people are currently psychologically unbalanced, even though not everyone may receive a diagnosis from a doctor.

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