Sadhguru Tips: From practicing gratitude to live in present, five effective ways to attain happiness

Sadhguru Tips

Spiritual teacher Sadhguru has been sharing his knowledge with the world for decades. His teachings cover a wide range of topics including spirituality, meditation, and living a happy and fulfilling life. Today, we will know about five of Sadhguru’s most valuable secrets to be happy.

Be grateful for good things

According to Sadhguru, one of the common and most effective ways to be happy is to practice gratitude. When we focus on the things we are thankful for, we switch our focus away from problems and toward the best things that’s happening in our lives. Sadhguru inspires us to take a few minutes each day to focus on the things we are grateful for.

Must read: Sadhguru unlocks secrets to be happy: ‘You are inherently joyful if…’

Live in a moment

As per Sadhguru, the second way to be happy is to live in the present. When we spend too much time thinking about the past or bothering about the future, we miss out on the beauty and richness of life as it’s happening right now. Sadhguru suggests that we must bring our attention completely to the present moment. By doing so, we can fully appreciate the wonders of the world around us.

Acknowledge the beauty of nature 

Connecting with nature is the simplest way to create happiness in our lives. Spending time outside, breathing fresh air and enjoying the beauty of nature can help us to feel more grounded and related to the world around us. Sadhguru advises us to take nature walks or simply sit outside and acknowledge the beauty of nature.

Help others

Helping others can be incredibly fulfilling to experience happiness. When we serve others, we feel a sense of purpose and meaning that can bring deep joy to our lives. Sadhguru encourages that we must look for the chances to help the needy, whether through volunteer work, charity donation, or simply helping a neighbour.

Build positive bonds

The people we hang out with have an impact on our lives and happiness. Sadhguru suggests us to build positive relationships with people who bring us joy and inspire us. It can be anyone, be it friends, family, or even mentors and teachers who help us grow and learn.

Also read: Sadhguru tips: 10 Poignant Quotes to awaken your spirituality

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