Sadhguru Tips: Is Sex Right or Wrong? Jaggi Vasudev Reveals the Secret

Sadhguru Tips: Is Sex a Sin or a Tool for Control?

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: In a world shaped by various beliefs and cultural teachings, the question, “Is Sex a Sin?” continues to spark debates. Sadhguru, a spiritual leader, delves into this sensitive subject, breaking down long-held perceptions and societal guilt surrounding human biology. Here’s a glimpse into Sadhguru’s eye-opening perspective on the matter that is sexy really a sin!

The Concept of Original Sin

Sadhguru begins by addressing the idea of sex being labeled as the “Original Sin.” He explains that whether it’s seen as a mistake depends on the individual and their development as a human being. If people grow into compassionate and conscious beings, then there is no sin, he humorously adds, “If we become an ugly manifestation of humanity, it’s definitely the original sin.”

In his view, labeling sex as sinful has been a strategic device used over centuries to control human beings. He argues that guilt and shame tied to something as fundamental as sex have led to generations of enslavement—emotionally, socially, and psychologically.

Disconnecting People from Their Biology

Sadhguru emphasizes that making people feel guilty about their natural biological processes has been a way to keep them dependent on institutions and power structures. By disconnecting individuals from their own bodies, religions and organizations have enforced control. He humorously narrates how this guilt leads to enslavement: “If you do not allow people to come to terms with their biology, they’ll always be dependent on someone else.”

Guilt and Fear

According to Sadhguru, guilt and fear have been the primary tools used to manipulate populations for ages. Institutions thrive because they instill these feelings in people, making them feel impure or sinful for their mere existence. He even highlights the taboo surrounding menstruation, saying it’s absurd to consider something as natural as a woman’s menstrual cycle impure when it is vital for human life.

Time to Break the Chains of Guilt

Sadhguru’s ultimate message is clear: It’s time to break free from the unnecessary guilt and shame associated with human biology. He stresses the need to recognize and embrace our existence without being burdened by age-old perceptions of sin and guilt. Only then can individuals truly live in harmony with themselves and the world around them.

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