Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev Opens Up On Evil Eye, Check Out What He Suggests

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Many have wondered whether the evil eye exists and whether can it bring harm to other people. Sadhguru says, yes. People have the power to influence things, be they good or bad. Therefore, an evil eye can bring bad luck to a person.

People have the power to influence

Sadhguru says that a “Focused mind is a dangerous Mind” and the danger depends on the intent. Therefore, a focused person with malicious intent can influence and make an impact on another person’s life. The mal intentions can be extreme anger, hatred, lust or greed

The influence of the evil eye happens to the ones who let external influence affect their decisions and emotions. However, for an organised person, external influence cannot cause a dent in your inner self.

Sadhguru’s take on technology

Sadhguru also talked about how technology influences people. Although the invention has brought about many marvels, making the world easier, it has also become a bane to most people. Constantly being exposed to media and the internet can lead to us being influenced easily and catching the evil eye easily. Therefore, the ones who are exposed to technology on a regular basis must be cautious of this.

Evil eye amulets

The evil eye amulet is worn by everybody and can be in the form of a blue eye, or lemon and turmeric hung outside homes and shops. This helps to protect us from the negative impacts of the evil eye. Additionally, he said, wearing a bindi is also a way of warding off the evil eye. The more beautiful the woman is, the bigger the bindi is.

Klesha Nashana Kriya

The energy of the body extends beyond it’s physical self. Therefore, Sadhguru talks about washing your soul with the Klesha Nashana Kriya, which removes the evil eye. Moreover, he says to keep the soul cleansed by regular meditation.

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