Sadhguru Tips: What Constitutes a Beautiful Face? Jaggi Vasudev’s Insight is Sure to Open Your Eyes, Watch

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: The Spiritual Guru, Sadhguru, always offers his thoughts on important matters and demonstrates to everyone the path they should take in life. He has a large following of people who pay close attention to what he says because his lessons are helpful to a lot of people. A lot of people want to be beautiful, and when they’re looking for someone to start a relationship with, they search for someone who looks beautiful. However, not many people know what it means to be beautiful. To address this problem, Sadhguru redefined beauty, saying that a happy face is indeed beautiful.

Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev defines the real meaning of beautiful face

The spiritual guru talked about the true beautiful face in his own words. He said, “How you are within yourself, is it more important than how you look? I’m not saying you shouldn’t look good but a joyful face is always the most beautiful face. It’s not the shape of the nose or the chin or the cheek. A joyful face is always a beautiful face. Isn’t it so? Anywhere in the world, whatever type of facial features, if you see a joyful face is it a beautiful face or no? it always is. Instead of lighting up from within, you are painting it up from outside. I’m not against your make-up or clothes or whatever stuff. If they’re only additions, they’re okay. If they’re the fundamental it’s not okay, isn’t it? A little you want to hype yourself, all right if that is the basis of your existence, then it’s not all right.”

Sadhguru on Food Allergies

He talked about food allergies and said, “The main thing is body is resisting something. In yoga, we’re looking at what is within you? Which doesn’t like this? See, the difference between allopathic system and this is, allopathic system is looking at what is the chemical in the food which is causing allergy. Here, we are looking at what is within you, which is causing the resistance to a particular food substance, because it’s a food, it’s not poison.”

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