Sadhguru Tips: Why Do You Feel Beautiful in Love? Jaggi Vasudev Reveals the Reason; WATCH

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Sadhguru is a one-of-a-kind spiritual master who is a mystic, visionary, and yogi. With a startling blend of pragmatism and depth, his life and work serve as a reminder that yoga is a modern science that is immensely relevant to our times. He discusses a variety of topics and provides solutions to people’s difficulties. Have you ever pondered the definition of true love? Do you want to know if there is such a thing as unconditional love? Sadhguru gives his thoughts on a timeless yet crucially important topic right now. He also explained why you feel beautiful when you are in love.

Sadhguru tells why people feel beautiful in love

The spiritual guru said, “Life is not a transaction. There are many things where we transact. There is money, there is wealth, there is work, there are relationships, where we transact. Even your love affair is a kind of transaction. There is a give and take. Every transaction is only enhancing what is around you. It never enhances you. ‘When I loved this person, I was feeling fantastic.’ You were feeling fantastic because of the way you were looking at it. You were not feeling fantastic because somebody’s loving you. Yes or no? See, somebody sitting there is loving you immensely. Does it change anything? No. You sit here and love somebody, that somebody is not here but still you feel beautiful, isn’t it? So, it is what you are doing which is making you beautiful. Not what somebody else is doing. If you have really loved somebody, you should understand it’s your love which made you feel beautiful not their love.”

Here’s how his devotees reacted

The video was shared on Instagram and his devotees commented on the video after it went viral all over the social media platforms. They reacted to the video in the comment section. One user wrote, “Only you give yourself the feeling of being in love, not the other person.” Another user wrote, “Going to do my best to make this apart of my life.”

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