Sadhguru Tips: Why You Shouldn’t Try to Be Better Than Somebody Else? Jaggi Vasudev Reveals the Reason; Check Out

Jaggi Vasudev also spoke about living the life to the fullest for benefits.

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips

Sadhguru Tips: Jaggi Vasudev provides insightful commentary on the pointlessness of comparisons. He makes it clear that trying to be better than other people is pointless and will just cause you to suffer and stress incessantly. Rather than continually striving to outdo others, he shows us that genuine pleasure consists in embracing our unique journey and concentrating on our own inner growth and improvement. We may escape the destructive cycle of competition and discover genuine happiness and self-acceptance by adopting this mentality.

Sadhguru Speaks about Stretching Yourself to Limits

The spiritual guru talked about important thing and encouraged people to stretch to the limits. The video was shared recently and his thoughts were well-liked by the audience. He said, “Trying to stretch yourself to your limits is a different thing. Trying to be better than somebody else is a very different thing. In trying to be better than someone else, you will lose all the competence that you have because you will not do what you’re good at. You will try to do what somebody else is doing. So, every human being has to know what it means to touch their limits. If you don’t know that, then you’re an unused life.”

Sadhguru Weighs on living life to the Fullest

The spiritual guru weighed on living the life to the fullest and he said, “An unused life is an unlived life. So, it is not about trying to save yourself, no. It is just that you must go to the fullest that you can go, not in comparison and competition with somebody else, but you doing your best. So, everything that we can do must happen out of us.”

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