Vastu Tips: Excellent Info! 5 Plants That Can Help Attract Wealth and Prosperity to Your Home; Check Out

Vastu Tips: Everyone strives for prosperity and happiness, but sometimes our efforts do not yield the desired results. This forces one to deal with a lot of issues, some of which are unsolvable at times. Vastushastra is a crucial aspect of existence. This is why some of the trees and plants listed above are said to strengthen one’s financial situation and bring happiness and prosperity into the home. Let’s find out which plants and trees, according to Vastu, should be planted in or near the house to attract wealth and prosperity.

Curry leaves or sweet neem

Vastu says it is very auspicious to apply curry leaves or sweet neem. This eliminates bad energy from the house and lets in positive energy. Planting this plant facing the north of the house opens the door to new opportunities and advancements in life. This plant, when planted in this direction, will benefit your company.


The Crassula plant is highly beneficial and auspicious according to Vastu Shastra. Installing it in the home solves a person’s money issues. New opportunities for wealth also arise. Pigmyweeds are lucky if they are kept on the right side of the house’s entrance, according to Vastu. Maintaining this plant in this direction improves the person’s financial situation and the flow of positive energy. In business, profit and promotion go hand in hand with this. The financial benefit of keeping a Crassula plant above the cash counter in an office or shop can be doubled.


According to the ancient tradition, Shwetark represents Lord Ganesha. This plant maintains happiness and peace in the home and is blessed when turmeric, akshat, and water are offered to it. This plant’s flowers are offered to Lord Shiva and Lord Ganesha, who bless the home with prosperity. According to Vaastu, this plant has a promising effect that keeps the blessings of Goddess Lakshmi in the home and ensures there is never a shortage of money.


The Parijat tree is home to both Goddess Lakshmi and Narayana, according to religious belief. Planting Parijat trees facing north is thought to be extremely fortunate. The scriptures claim that Goddess Lakshmi holds a special place in her heart for the Parijat flower. In addition to eliminating Vaastu flaws, planting a parijat tree in the home bestows blessings upon it. There will always be enough money and grains in the home if the parijat plant is planted according to Vaastu.


According to Vastu Shastra, amla trees are extremely fortunate. By doing this, positive energy flows more freely and negative energy is destroyed. Prosperity and wealth in the household rise in tandem with this plant. The Amla tree is thought to be home to Mother Lakshmi and Lord Vishnu.

It is possible to plant an amla tree in the north, east, or northeast direction inside the home. When applied in this manner, good things come of it. One can achieve wealth and prosperity as well as relief from various problems by consistently watering this tree.

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