When Should Couples Avoid Sex? Here’s What ‘Shastriya’ Rules Say

Find out the traditional guidelines for when married couples should refrain from having sex. Find out about the particular days—Navratri, Makar Sankranti, and Shradh—on which customs dictate abstention in order to preserve respect and spiritual purity.

When to Avoid Sex

When to Avoid Sex: The husband-wife relationship is taken to be a sacred one as it holds together and propagates human life. Such a relationship would amply be supplemented by physical relationships that are an integral part of married life. However, classical traditions and beliefs prescribe certain days on which married couples should abstain from physical relations. Realizing the available guidelines for this would be very beneficial in maintaining respect toward cultural practices and enhancing the sanctity of marital life.

Sacred Periods and Their Significance

There are periods which are considered spiritually impotent according to many traditional beliefs, and this in turn affects the practice concerning the physical expression of love. For example, the nine days of Navratri associated with worship through fasting are considered wrong for sexual relations. The days are reserved for worship and introspection, and purity of soul and body is stressed. It is considered inauspicious to have physical relations during the period of Navratri because it may deviate one from the actual spiritual goal of the festival.

Similarly, marital intimacy is forbidden during the Makar Sankranti period, for it marks the period when winter ends and the days start getting longer in duration. It has been believed since ancient times that closeness on this day may cast a bad effect on the husband-wife relationship. Therefore, physical relationships should be avoided during this period to maintain respect for the importance of the festival and to not disturb harmony.

A Period of Penance and Purity

The period of Shradh ranges from the full moon day of Bhadrapada month till Amavasya. It is the time to remember and pay homage to one’s departed ancestors, perform rituals and prayers for them. It is also the time for purity of body and mind. Physical relations are taboo during Shradh as it is believed to disturb the sanctity of the rituals performed to bring peace to the departed souls.

General Rules at Times of Fasts and Festivals

Apart from these festival-related rules, classical doctrines also prohibit sexual congress at other periods of fasting, worship, and other religio-spiritual routines. The practice of intercourse at such times is said to sully the body and hence nullify the spiritual gains from such acts of fasting and worship. This would help keep one’s mind fully oriented towards such religio-spiritual efforts, thereby deriving maximum benefit from it.

Respecting Traditions and Personal Beliefs

These traditional guidelines help in setting out a perimeter for upholding spiritual purity, but in functional practice, it is each couple’s basis of decision regarding those practices done with respect to their personal beliefs and relationship. Knowing the classical teachings and implementing those in the contemporary times would be understandable in a way that respects the cultural values while being strong and respectful in marital bonding.

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