Earth Day: know it’s significance and history

Earth Day is celebrated every year on 22 April to demonstrate support for environmental protection. Earth Day was celebrated for the first time on 22 April 1970. It is celebrated in 193 countries. It was founded in 1970 by US Senator Gerald Nelson as an environmental educator.

The importance of Earth Day is important because, on this day, we get to know about the impact of global warming on the environment through environmentalists. In September 1969, at a conference in Washington, US Senator Gerald Nelson of Wisconsin announced that there would be a nationwide public demonstration on the environment in the spring of 1970. Senator Nelson proposed the first nationwide environmental protest to link the environment to a national agenda. Renowned film and television actor Eddie Albert played an important role in the making of Earth Day. Especially after 1970, according to a report, Earth Day began to be celebrated on Albert’s birthday on 22 April.

The notion of Earth Day is said to have been initiated by Senator Gerald Nelson after he drove through Santa Barbara, beginning in 1969, just after the horrific oil spill. He was so incensed at seeing that he returned to Washington and on April 22 passed a bill to celebrate Earth Day as a national day.

As the population is increasing on the earth, due to pollution, exploitation of natural resources, increasing imbalance, the day is not far when the earth will not be a place to live, so it is important that all the people wake up at the right time and take their responsibilities Understand and perform your duty towards the earth with this purposeWorld Earth Day has been celebrated all over the world for the last 50 years.

Every year a theme is set for World Earth Day. The theme of this year is to restore the earth. Whatever the world can do to make the earth healthy, it will be considered. The theme of World Earth Day last year was Climate Action which is a really important issue. Every year the organizers have a new theme.

First of all, on the day of World Earth Day, people thank the earth that they found a house where life is present.

Every resource necessary to live is present. Various online and offline competitions take place on this occasion. Competitions like speech, essay and slogan are held in schools and colleges. Senior people address seminars. Schemes are prepared at the international level

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