Israel Palestine Conflict: Global Unity at the UN! India Votes in Favour of Resolution for Immediate Ceasefire in Gaza

Israel Palestine Conflict

Israel Palestine Conflict: India supported a draft resolution in the UN General Assembly that called for the unconditional release of all hostages and an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Adoption of Egypt’s Draft Resolution

During an Emergency Special Session held at the UN on Tuesday, the 193-member UN General Assembly adopted the draft resolution that Egypt had introduced. According to news agency PTI, the resolution was approved with 153 votes in favour, 23 countries abstaining, and 10 voting against the text. According to Ruchira Kamboj, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN, there is a serious humanitarian crisis and a significant death toll.

Indian Support for UN Resolution

“India has voted in favour of the resolution just adopted by the General Assembly. The situation that this August body has been deliberating upon has many dimensions. There was the terrorist attack in Israel on October 7 and concern for the hostages taken at the time. There is an enormous humanitarian crisis and a large-scale loss of civil lives, especially of women and children. There is the issue of observing international himanitarian law in all circumstances. And there is the endeavour to find a peaceful and lasting two-state solution to the longstanding Palestine question,” said Ruchira Kamboj as quoted by news agency ANI.

Acknowledging Gravity and Complexity

She added that, “The gravity and complexity of what the international community faces are underlined by the secretary general invoking Article 99 of the Charter of the United Nations. We, therefore, welcome the fact that the international community unity has been to find a common ground to address the multiple challenges facing the region right now.”

International Support for Resolution

The resolution, which was supported by Palestine, Algeria, Bahrain, Iraq, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain, among others, called for an immediate humanitarian ceasefire in Gaza and reaffirmed the need for all parties to abide by their legal obligations, particularly those pertaining to “the protection of civilians.” It also demanded the “immediate and unconditional release of all hostages, as well as ensuring humanitarian access.”

US Proposal for Amendment

The US, however, suggested amending the draft resolution so that it would include the following paragraph in the main text: “Unequivocally rejects and condemns the heinous terrorist attacks by Hamas that took place in Israel starting October 7, 2023 and the taking of hostages.” The resolution did not name Hamas. India supported the amendment with a vote.

Indian Abstention in October

India had abstained from voting on a resolution in the General Assembly in October that demanded an immediate humanitarian ceasefire between Israel and Hamas as well as unrestricted humanitarian access to the Gaza Strip. The resolution, drafted by Jordan, also called for the immediate, uninterrupted, sufficient, and unhindered supply of basic goods and services to Gaza Strip residents. The United States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council, vetoed a resolution on the Israel-Hamas conflict that would have required an immediate humanitarian ceasefire. Days later, the UNGA voted on the resolution.

UNSC Resolution Support

Thirteen votes were cast in favour of the UNSC resolution, which was proposed by the United Arab Emirates and supported by more than ninety Member States; the United Kingdom abstained. Following terror attacks on October 7, thousands of people were injured and over 1,200 people, including 33 children, died as a result of Hamas and other Palestinian armed groups. The UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs reported that at least 18,205 Palestinians have died in Gaza to date, with women and children accounting for roughly 70% of the deaths, and that 49,645 have reportedly been injured. These figures are based on information provided by the Ministry of Health (MoH) in Gaza.

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