Updated Birth Registration Guidelines! What You Need to Know Before Registering, Check Here

Birth Registration Rule

Birth Registration Rule: The Home Ministry is undergoing significant transformation. Yes, information about the parents’ religion will now need to be disclosed in the birth certificate for any kid born in the household. This requires that information about the child’s parents be entered separately.

Existing Regulations

As per the current regulation, details regarding the family’s religion were documented at the time of the child’s birth. However, as of late, the Home Ministry has created proposed model regulations in this area. The state governments have received this draft from the Home Ministry.

Changes in Birth Registration Form

In the registration form number 1 pertaining to childbirth, there used to be a section indicating the family’s religion. However, it now has an additional column. Information on the child’s parents’ religion must be entered in this column.

The adoption procedure will also require the completion of Form No. 1. Let us inform you that births and deaths must now be registered nationally per the Birth-Death Registration (Amendment) Act, which was passed last year.

Future Plans and Implementation

The government is planning huge things for this in the future, according to news reported in Dainik Bhaskar. The National Population Register (NPR), Aadhar Card, Voter List, Ration Card, Passport, and Driver’s Licence are among the papers that will be updated based on the database derived from the new Form No. 1 of Birth Registration, according to newspaper sources. As a standalone document, this digital certificate attesting to the child’s birth will be legitimate. In addition, it will be accepted as proof of birth when applying to any college or school.

Enhanced Death Certificate Requirements

In addition, information on the deceased person’s previous illness must now be included in the death certificate that is created after someone passes away, in addition to the cause of death. The Registrar General of India (RGI) has mandated that the death certificate include information about chronic diseases in addition to the direct cause of death. At the national level, RGI will keep track of birth and death statistics for the entire nation.

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