Uttarakhand Uniform Civil Code Draft Embraces Live-in Relationships, LGBT Rights and Consent, Sources

Uniform Civil Code

Uniform Civil Code: The planned Uniform Civil Code (UCC) for the state of Uttarakhand is complete, according to Justice (retired) Ranjana Prakash Desai, who is in charge of the committee of experts assembled by the state’s government. If adopted, the committee’s proposals, according to Justice Desai, will enhance society’s secular fabric and empower women.

Uttarakhand UCC Draft Considers LGBTQ Rights and Social Dignity

The LGBTQ community‘s rights have been taken into account in the draught of the proposed UCC by the committee, which seeks to provide equality and dignity to all facets of society. Since the Supreme Court has not yet ruled on petitions seeking the legal recognition of same-sex marriage in India, they will not be included in the recommendations. According to sources, the panel has considered problems such the uniform age of marriage, live-in relationship and children born out of them, marriage registration, the age of consent to sex, and childbirth at young ages. They added that college students, members of different religious groups, and tribal representatives were consulted during the creation of the draught of the proposed UCC, which is soon to be implemented in Uttarakhand, so there will be no interference with tribal customary practises that do not contravene the law.

Uttarakhand UCC Draft Represents Diverse Perspectives

The group, which has met 63 times so far, has also consulted Delhi-based residents from Uttarakhand, women, other experts, political party officials, and religious leaders. Additionally, a subcommittee was formed last year, whose members travelled to 40 various locations throughout the state, including tribal villages. The state government will shortly receive the draught. Justice Desai stated that the panel looked at various statutes and uncodified legislation, including the statutory framework in particular countries, when drafting the code while taking into account all different viewpoints. “Our emphasis is to ensure gender equality, with keeping women, children and disabled persons in focus. We have tried to bring everyone on an equal footing with elimination of arbitrariness and discrimination,” she said to reporters. She added that a committee has investigated the legal systems of numerous countries, including Muslim countries. “We have seen everything, studied personal laws. We have also studied the Law Commission’s report. If you read our draft you will feel that the committee has considered everything,” she said.

Informing Millions about the Uniform Civil Code

The Law Commission of India has also conducted a campaign to inform and raise awareness about UCC, consulting with 8.2 lakh people to date. One of the BJP’s main platforms is the UCC, and some of its state administrations have pushed for its implementation. Recently, Prime Minister Narendra Modi made a compelling case for it, sparking rumours that the Centre is also seeking to pass legislation making it the national standard.

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