Lines Straight From the Heart by Alankrit Sinha; A Soul-Stirring Journey in Words

Alankrit Sinha

Alankrit Sinha: A poet at heart, Alankrit Sinha is a Greater Noida-based student in the tenth grade. He’s always been really passionate about the arts. He always tried to compose something that is relatable to everyone because poetry is his form of self-expression and escape.

Upon the shores of reverie, I stand,
Gazing at the waves that kiss the sand,
A boundless ocean of memories untold,
In its depths, a lifetime’s tale unfolds.

Each ripple, a chapter from days of yore,
Moments cherished, forevermore,
A symphony of laughter, tears, and grace,
Lingering echoes of love’s embrace.

With every wave that crashes ashore,
A treasure trove of emotions it bore,
Of friendships woven and hearts entwined,
In this vast expanse, our stories find.

The foamy crests, like fleeting dreams,
Moments captured in sunlit gleams,
Yet deeper currents course below,
Where the heart’s secrets ebb and flow.

The sunsets paint a canvas divine,
Golden hues where memories entwine,
Time’s canvas splashed with colors bold,
In this ocean, memories are retold.

But in the depths lie shadows too,
Of struggles fought, of skies turned blue,
Of lessons learned through trials endured,
Of scars that shaped and hearts matured.

As tides of time continue their dance,
Leaving imprints of life’s every chance,
I’ll stand here, where the memories soar,
Beside this ocean, forevermore.

For when life’s voyage has reached its end,
And I’m called to journey around the bend,
My soul will rest in this vast sea,
Where my ocean of memories sets me free

Contributed by Alankrit Sinha

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