Traffic Rules: Important! Violators in This State to Get e-Challans by Registered Post, Check Details

Traffic Rules: Always carry these documents while driving to avoid paying a hefty challan, Do Read

Traffic Rules: The Bihar Police has adopted a new approach to address the issue of non-compliance with e-challans for traffic rule violations. Instead of relying on SMS notifications, the police have begun sending e-challans via registered post to individuals who violate traffic rules, starting with the implementation in Patna.

Challenges with SMS Notifications:
According to Additional Director General (ADG) Traffic Sudhanshu Kumar, the conventional system of sending e-challans through SMS had limitations, primarily due to frequent changes in mobile phone numbers by violators. To overcome this hurdle and ensure effective communication, the decision was made to dispatch e-challans through registered post.

Implementation in Patna and Plans for Other Districts:
The new system was initially introduced in Patna and has proven to be a more reliable method of reaching traffic rule violators. ADG Traffic expressed the intention to extend this approach to all districts, emphasizing the need for a more robust and efficient means of communication.

Recovering Costs from Violators:
ADG Traffic highlighted that the costs associated with sending e-challans via registered post could be recovered from traffic rule violators. Currently, the traffic police bear these costs, but efforts are being made to seek permission from the competent authority to transfer the expense to those who breach traffic regulations.

Traffic Violation Statistics:
On average, Bihar issues around 3,000 e-challans or notices daily for traffic rule violations. However, data analysis reveals that a significant portion of these e-challans remains unpaid, prompting the need for an improved system to ensure compliance and streamline the recovery process.

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