Traffic Movement returns to normal near Red Fort, as water in Yamuna recedes

Delhi Traffic News

Delhi Traffic News

Delhi Traffic News:Days after the National Capital witnessed heavy down pour, leading to water logging of roads and jams all over the city, the movement of traffic returned to a normal speed around the Read Fort area. According to the Traffic Advisory, the road near the Read Fort area has been opened for General Public. As water in several areas have started receding, the traffic on the roads are coming back to normalcy.

Roads near ISBT Kashmiri Gate are also open for Traffic

The ISBT Kashmiri gate road was also closed due to the severe water logging and heavy rains. The Delhi Traffic Police has also issued advisory to cancel plans in the low lying areas due to the high water level of the Yamuna river. The old iron bridge has been opened for the general public and traffic to move. Around 44 relief camps have been set up for the people living under the low lying areas. People were also provided with food and basic amenities. People were also given food and drinking water. Special Toilet facilities were also set up.

Fever and Diarrhoea cause of concern among people

However many cases of fever, Diarrhoea and Vomitting are also reported from the people living under the Low lying areas, many cases of infections and skin allergies were also diagnosed and people were visiting the Medical teams in the relief camps for check ups. Doctors have advised the children not to play near the mud or water which remains stored for long as it catches infection.

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