MP News: The Haunting Reality of Girl Trafficking, 24 Reported Missing Daily, Report

MP News

MP News: The information provided by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in response to a question posed by MP Brijendra Singh in the Lok Sabha is astounding. Over the past five and a half years, there have been 2,75,125 reported missing children nationwide. The greatest number of these—61,102—have vanished from Madhya Pradesh. There are 49024 girls among the state’s missing children, making girls make up more than 80% of the missing population. 11850 males and 45108 girls out of the state’s missing youngsters have been located.

24 Girls Reported Missing Daily in MP’s Urban Centers

Child rights activists have gathered data via the Right to Information (RTI) process from the State Police Department and the Ministry of Women and Child Development of the individual states to better understand the situation of missing children in Madhya Pradesh. Child Rights and You (CRY) has examined RTI data on the situation of Madhya Pradesh’s missing children. This claims that every day in the year 2022, 24 girls’ missing reports were filed. The most instances of missing children have been reported in Indore and Bhopal in 2022. In 2022, 977 incidents of missing children were reported in Indore, while 661 cases were reported in Bhopal. Statistics show that metropolitan areas have more cases of missing children than rural ones.

Girls Disproportionately Vulnerable to Human Trafficking and Missing Cases in MP

Child Rights and You (CRY) North Region Director Soha Moitra thinks that missing children are frequently easy targets for human trafficking. The factsheet states that in 2022, girls accounted for more than 75% (8,844 in total) of the missing children in Madhya Pradesh. The fact that girls make up a disproportionately higher percentage of the missing children over the past five years is quite concerning. According to Moitra, there may be a significant demand for girls in commercial prostitution and domestic work, and frequently, girls are forced to flee their homes because of domestic violence, cruelty, and neglect. Due to a shortage of inexpensive labour in the unorganised sector during the epidemic, the demand for child labour has skyrocketed. Concerningly, the number of missing boys has increased, which also raises the possibility of child trafficking in the state.

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