Patna News: PMC introduces cash for trash scheme for common people; What it Means for You

Patna News

Patna News

Patna News: The Patna Municipal Corporation has started a Cash for waste scheme for the common man in the material recovery facility. Under the scheme people will be paid in return of dry waste under a specific price list for each item. The scheme is called Pink material recovery facility as it run by the women workers. The Material Recovery scheme is introduced by Patna Municipal Corporation with the help of Environment Ministry.

2 Tones of Dry Garbage can be Processed Per Day

Under the scheme, 2 tones of dry garbage and 15 tones of wet garbage can be processed per day. Residents can collect waste separately like dry and wet waste and keep them in bags and hand over to the MRF worker. People will not have to wait for the trash vans to come and dump the garbage. The move will encourage people to keep the city clean.

The move will help keep the city clean

With the help of this scheme, Patna Municipal Corporation looks forward to have a clean and sanitized city and to encourage people not to throw away waste and set example for other cities to follow the same trend.

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