On Chandrayaan Success, Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann Expresses Happiness

Chandrayaan 3

Describing Chandrayaan-3’s triumphant landing as a momentous milestone in history, Bhagwant Mann, the Chief Minister of Punjab, extended his heartfelt congratulations to both the nation and the dedicated scientists at ISRO. He hailed this remarkable achievement as a testament to India’s prowess, effectively showcasing the country’s capabilities to the global stage.

Chief Minister Expresses Happiness

Watching this significant event unfold on television, the Chief Minister was overcome with emotion as he articulated his thoughts. He expressed that this achievement unequivocally establishes India’s trajectory towards becoming a global powerhouse in the foreseeable future. He lauded the efforts of the nation’s scientists, whose exceptional work has brought immense pride to the entire nation.

In a state of awe and pride, the Chief Minister emphasized that this moment holds profound significance for every Indian. It ushers in a new era of possibilities, as it introduces a fresh avenue for investigating the mysteries of lunar existence.

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“Hearty congratulations to everyone on the successful landing of Chandrayaan 3’s on the surface of the moon. Today, India has made history. Salutations to our ISRO scientist and all staff for their dedication and hard word. This is a moment of pride for every citizens of this country,” Bhagwant Mann said in a post on platform X.

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