Uttarakhand News: 29 year old woman in labour carried on chair to health centre

Uttarakhand News: Following a week of devastating landslides and heavy rainfall in Chamoli, the village of Ban in the Dewal area found themselves cut off from their only accessible road. In a challenging situation, Kiran Devi, a 29-year-old resident, began experiencing labor pains. Displaying incredible solidarity, a group of local men improvised a solution. They carefully positioned Kiran on a plastic chair and then shouldered the responsibility of carrying her across treacherous terrain, navigating gorges and colossal debris, all the way to a primary health center.

Kiran successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy

Despite the arduous journey, the outcome was undoubtedly worth the effort. Late on Thursday night, Kiran successfully gave birth to a healthy baby boy. However, what caught the attention of many was a video recording of this remarkable journey. This footage starkly depicted the extent of the devastation that had been wrought on the already delicate landscape due to the landslides and heavy rains.

“The Dewal primary health centre is almost 30km from our village but the heavy downpour over the last two days left us with no road. Over 3km of stretch has now become almost impossible to traverse.The men carrying Kiran had to cross a deep gorge with a river gushing below as they balanced themselves and their load on pipes and tree trunks placed between two point. What choice do we have?. The village has not seen destruction of this scale in the last 55 years.” said Khilaf Singh, a local resident.

Chief medical officer at Chamoli said, “Thankfully, Kiran as well as her child are both doing well. An Asha worker was with the mother all along.”

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