Uttarakhand UCC draft ready, focus on raising marriage age for women, ensuring gender equality

Uttrakhand UCC

Uttarakhand UCC: A draught of Uttarakhand’s own Uniform Civil Code has been completed by a five-member panel appointed by the state government last year, with strong recommendations on “live-ins and raising the marriageable age of women” in light of the country’s raging debate over the issue following PM Modi’s recent mention of it in MP.

“Our emphasis is to ensure gender equality, keeping women, children and disabled persons in focus,” said retired SC judge, Justice Ranjana Desai, the committee head who announced the draft’s completion in New Delhi.

Tried to bring all on equal footing: U’khand UCC draft panel chief

Head of the committee Justice Ranjana Desai, who announced Uttarakhand’s draft UCC, said Friday: “The report of our committee along with the draft code would soon be printed and submitted to the state government. The committee has tried to understand finer nuances of various practices that prevail in different parts of Uttarakhand.”

According to Desai, the code has been written “taking into account all shades of opinions and looking into various statutes and uncodified laws, including the statutory framework in certain countries,” she continued.

She stated, “We’ve tried to bring everyone on an equal footing with elimination of arbitrariness and discrimination,” and she added that the panel reviewed related reports from the law commission as well as the family law practises used in other countries. “The draft, if implemented, will strengthen the secular fabric of our country.”

According to a source with knowledge of the specifics, the goal of the plan to raise the marriageable age of women is “to bring uniformity across religions and faiths to ensure greater women empowerment.”

Committee constituted in May 2022

The committee was constituted in May 2022, not long after Pushkar Singh Dhami was named chief minister. Implementing UCC was one of Dhami’s election campaign pledges.

In response to the news on Friday, Dhami stated, “As promised, the panel established to study the UCC has finished its task. The UCC will shortly be put into effect in Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand will be the first post-independence state to have such a code if it is put into effect.

During its one-year existence, the panel held more than 60 meetings and talked with heads of religious organisations, state statutory commissions, and representatives of political parties.

Over 20,000 persons spoke with the panel’s subcommittee, which received 2.3 lakh written responses.In May 2022, not long after Pushkar Singh Dhami became chief minister, the committee was established. One of Dhami’s election promises was to implement UCC.

In response to the news on Friday, Dhami stated, “As promised, the panel established to study the UCC has finished its task. The UCC will shortly be put into effect in Uttarakhand. Uttarakhand will be the first post-independence state to have such a code if it is put into effect.

During its one-year existence, the panel held more than 60 meetings and talked with heads of religious organisations, state statutory commissions, and representatives of political parties. Over 20,000 persons spoke with the panel’s subcommittee, which received 2.3 lakh written responses.

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