Google Maps Users Take Note? Check THESE 5 Important Updates for Better Navigation

Google Maps

Google Maps: India is the seventh largest country in terms of area in the whole world. However, in such a diverse country with a diverse population if some wants to go somewhere it becomes very difficult and especially when it is a new city or place. Since the launch of Google Map by Google itself, it has given a solution to masses who are totally strange to such broad traffic routes. There are a wide number of roadways including national highways, state highways and other local rural and urban roads. In such diverse road maps it is not easy to remember every traffic route of every part of cosmo or big cities.

Google Maps helps in finding best possible routes

Google Map not only helps in locating the landmarks but it also helps in finding the best possible routes where the traffic is minimum. In this series, an AI enthusiast Alif Hossain has tweeted on X about the unique features of Google Maps. In his tweet he said that “Google Maps just got a major upgrade. If you’re not using it, you’re falling behind.”

Important upgrades of Google Map

The Front-end developer Alif Hossain emphasised the unique upgraded features of Google Maps on X. The all 5 explained features are as follows.

New Conversational search

The updated feature of Google Map allows you to search your key words in a conversational format. It is more than a voice search as it can give results related to the conversation. It doesn’t require any specific question for the result.

Unique 3 Dimensional View

The users can experience a pleasure of unique 3 Dimensional View. You can enjoy the view from roadmaps to streets and buildings in this. It also features the weather update section, where you can watch a glimpse of probable weather conditions in 3D format.

New Live View

With the help of your mobile camera, you can use this feature and can get live locations of nearby apartments, ATMs, official buildings, forts , restaurants, etc.

Search with photos

The Google Map features multimedia search, where the users can search with a photo along with adding a search item to the photo. For instance, one can find the all present information about a restaurant just by adding the name of the restaurant with a photo of the restaurant.

Use Lens in Maps

The users can use Google Lens in Maps to find the surrounding location of the area or other landmarks.

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