Google Play Store: Top 5 AI Apps for your android smartphone, Read to boost productivity

Top 5 AI Apps for your Smartphone, Do Read if you want to boost your productivity

Google Play Store: We all know that artificial intelligence (AI) is growing at an unprecedented rate, and because of this, we are beginning to employ AI in a variety of fields, including productivity, education, entertainment, and more.
There’s undoubtedly an AI tool out there to suit your demands. The top AI apps available for download on your phone right now are listed below to get you up to speed.

Google Play Store: Top 5 AI Apps

1. Lensa AI

For editing portrait selfies, use Lensa, a picture editor program. To take a cute selfie, remove a blurry backdrop, or perform any other essential editing, the programme offers a plethora of photo editing filters and approaches. All year long, you can make every photo flawless with its easy-to-use editing options and camera editor effects. Take pictures of special occasions and edit them to save them forever.

2. Youper

Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) methods are used by the mental health chatbot Youper to “help you calm anxiety, improve your relationships, be more productive, and improve your mood.” It is intended for people who are unable to make weekly in-person appointments with therapists.

3. Replika

For “anyone who wants a friend with no judgement, drama, or social anxiety involved,” Replika is an AI chatbot companion app. You get to determine how your AI friend looks and the kind of relationship you wish to have with them.

4. Rizz AI

Need a little assistance getting out there on dates? Covered by RIZZ! Your crush will be impressed by the personalised responses our AI-powered app generates.

Your ability to stand out from the crowd is enhanced with RIZZ. Your word problems will never arise again thanks to our user-friendly interface and customised algorithms.

5. Otter

Designed to make taking minutes at meetings easier, Otter is an AI-powered audio transcription service. Like an attendee, it enters your meeting and takes notes in real time, adding the shared slides for subsequent viewing.

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