What is FraudGPT and how to keep yourself safe? Check Out

What is FraudGPT and how to keep yourself safe? Check Out

FraudGPT: Artificial intelligence (AI) is growing, yet it has drawbacks as well. Similar to other revolutionary technologies, artificial intelligence carries great potential but also great risks. Threat factors appear to have advanced beyond the regulatory framework, despite a strong push for AI regulation.

What is FraudGPT?

A malevolent generative AI that operates on a subscription basis, FraudGPT creates false material with advanced machine learning techniques. Utilising pre-existing attack tools including vulnerability mining, zero-day exploits, and customised hacking tutorials, this platform serves as a cyberattacker’s launch kit. In order to generate fresh, undetectable material, FraudGPT uses enormous datasets of human-generated content from multiple sources for training.

This technology can be exploited for a number of harmful purposes since it can remove ethical hurdles and safety measures such as those found in ChatGPT and Google Bard.

How to be safe?

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