WhatsApp Security: WhatsApp just disclosed that its Android app is susceptible to a “critical” security issue. Among the many available online messaging apps, Telegram and WhatsApp stand out as two of the most widely use applications because of their outstanding features. However, the question raised which app is superior and more secure. Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram, emphasized on WhatsApp’s lack of security on Thursday. In a tweet, he claimed that hackers may have complete access to WhatsApp users’ mobile devices.
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Durov stated that user data has been put at risk by WhatsApp, bringing attention to the security flaw that was discovered by WhatsApp a month ago. He strongly suggested that people stop using WhatsApp and switch to another instant messaging service instead. According to the contents of his Telegram chat, he stated that “hackers might have full access to anything on the phones of WhatsApp users.
Is WhatsApp secure for users?
” In addition to this, he asserted that WhatsApp has been secretly collecting and analyzing user information for the past 13 years. And that the vulnerabilities in WhatsApp’s security that have been discovered were fact designed to be there. In addition to this, he stated that “placed backdoors” make it possible for governments, law enforcement, and hackers to circumvent encryption and other security measures.
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Durov has previously cautioned against using WhatsApp
Durov continued to say that “Every year, we hear about a problem with WhatsApp that puts everything on their users’ devices at risk… Even if you are the richest person on the planet, if you have WhatsApp on your phone, all of your data from every other app on your phone is accessible.” Durov said, “I’m not trying to get people to switch to Telegram by talking about its security and privacy features. The app has more than 700 million active users right now, and around 2 million new users sign up every day, so it seems to be growing steadily. This isn’t the first time that the creator of Telegram has said that WhatsApp has security problems. Durov has said in the past that “WhatsApp will never be safe” if the company doesn’t make some big changes.
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