Bride Groom Viral Video: Crazy! Groom Turns Violent After Relative Teases Him on Stage, Watch Bride’s Reaction

Bride Groom Viral Video

Bride Groom Viral Video

Bride Groom Viral Video: Videos of weddings become viral online because they display family acting in ways that are uncommon and unseen. During a fun moment at a wedding, a cheeky relative made fun of the groom on stage. The video went viral and caught the attention of all the guests. The groom’s surprising answer stunned and pleased the viewers. Watch the hilarious video to see how the groom’s mood shifts from happiness to discontent in a moment, making this wedding event one to remember.

Watch Bride Groom Viral Video

As the wedding ceremony got underway, family members and guests came to witness the marriage of two souls. An annoying relative harassed the groom during the festivities by repeatedly pulling off his turban. What had started off as a funny prank turned into a cause of increasing frustration for the groom.

When the relative persisted in his irritating behaviour, the groom’s wrath became unbearable. Having had enough of the constant meddling, he eventually exacted his retribution by giving the annoying relative a smack. The sudden explosion took everyone by surprise. There was a deliberate attempt to keep everything under control and calm everyone down. But the intensity of the moment was too strong, and the chaos spiraled out of control.

Netizens reacted to the video

After being posted online, the film on YouTube attracted attention from users of the video-sharing website. People were shocked to witness the relative’s behaviour toward the groom. Internet users denounced the relative’s actions.

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