Bride groom viral video: Relative lifts bride in his arm during varmala ceremony; watch video to see what happens next

Bride groom viral video

Bride groom viral video: Wedding videos always raise the bar high with dance performances. But sometimes, funny videos always create a lot of buzz online. Recently, a viral video of a bride and groom during their var mala ceremony has been taking the internet by storm. In the video, as part of the traditional ritual, the groom’s relatives lift him in their arms, creating a joyous and celebratory atmosphere. To make the moment even more special, the bride’s relative lifts her in his arms. However, what happens next leaves everyone stunned.

Watch Bride groom viral video

As the bride is lifted into the air, it becomes apparent that she is caught off guard by the sudden action. The bride fails to maintain her balance and it’s visible on her face that she isn’t happy with the action. The unexpected turn takes everyone by surprise, momentarily halting the festive mood. The video captures a raw and unfiltered moment, showcasing a range of emotions.

But the real shock comes moments later when the bride delivers a slap to the relative who had lifted her. The slap echoes through the air, leaving the gathered guests and onlookers in disbelief. The stunned silence that follows is broken only by whispers and gasps of astonishment. While the exact reason for the bride’s reaction remains unclear, it is evident that her actions were born out of a mix of surprise.

Online users react to the video

As the video continues to circulate online, it has sparked a range of reactions and discussions. The video has garnered thousands of likes and views on the internet. Online users share their reactions in the comment section. One user wrote, “Lesson of the day. Never touch a lady without her consent.” Another user wrote, “If she doesn’t like her lifting she could have told him at once when he lifted her But slapping in front of everyone is not good what the bride has done.”

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