Viral Video: Smart! Mother Questions Son on Smartphone Usage Over Books, His Unique Response Earns Him a Tight Slap; Watch

Instagram users have taken to sharing a funny and touching video of a mother and son talking about their disparate spending styles. The video, which was uploaded by user anshul_2707, shows a familiar conversation in which the son jokes about his smartphone in response to his mother questioning him about his book purchases.

Viral Video

Viral Video: With its relatable comedy, a video of a woman and her kid having a lighthearted conversation went popular on Instagram. The video was posted by user anshul_2707, and it has since received a lot of attention and discussion regarding the worth of money and the disparities in spending patterns between generations.

Mother’s Concern Over Book Purchases

With a humorous yet worried tone, the mother can be heard telling her son in the video, “You purchased these books worth 3-4 thousand, do read them sometime.” Her remark echoes the common worry of parents about making sure that funds allocated for educational resources are used effectively.

The clever rejoinder from the son, “I bought this 50,000 phone, sometimes give me a chance to use it peacefully,” sums up the amusing generational divide to perfection. His comment brings to light a situation that is typical in many homes: parents and kids have different spending priorities and viewpoints.

Son’s Witty Response About Smartphone Usage

Many viewers have connected with this encounter because they believe the discussion to be both humorous and relevant. It highlights the often-overlooked fact that although parents regard pricey technology purchases with a mixture of suspicion and anxiety, younger generations see them as indispensable.

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