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Watch this touching video to see courageous puppies free their sister from the clutches of a dangerous snake. Dramatic clip displays the young dogs' bravery and devotion as it documents their valiant efforts to fend off the serpent and liberate their stranded companion.

Animal Viral Video

Animal Viral Video: It goes without saying that puppies are cute, and their very nature seems to tug at the heartstrings. In these same young pups wandering on the streets, they potentially face a lot of danger from larger animals, reptiles, and even careless human beings. Yet another video tweeted by a handle called Brutal Nature underscores how puppies of the animal kingdom show extreme audacity to save one of their own from attack by a snake.

Puppy Trapped in Snake’s Grip

The puppy was entrapped in the snake’s rotating motion and looked to have no more possible chance of being saved. The puppy’s siblings were not unnerved in the least by their sibling’s dire situation. Two of them bravely jumped to their sibling’s rescue to try to pull the snake back and yank it as much as possible by the head. That fearless effort was one that called for the dramatic rescue to be absolutely necessary.

The video captured the intense struggle because their continuous attacks forced the snake to release the hold. After the snake loosened the grip, the confined puppy got out from the grip and surprisingly countered with new energy. The brave pups carried on with their battle, pulling the snake from all sides, thus picturing their unity and determination.

The Harsh Reality of Stray Life

The mother dog did not come inside; meanwhile, it circled around the view visibly distressed, so helpless, but probably vigilant. The rescue and the catch-fight that ensued really portrays not just the precarious life that a stray puppy lives but how extraordinary bonding and bravery can spring in a menacing situation.

What happens is pretty dramatic and could well glorify itself into a feel-good story. It is more than a feel-good story; it speaks about the reality of being an abandoned animal and the cool instincts of young animals when it concerns protecting their own.

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