Viral Video: Disturbing! Family of 5 Swept Away in Lonavala Waterfall! Precautions You Must Take to Avoid Such Accidents

Heart-Wrenching Viral Video of Lonavala Waterfall Accident: 5 Family Members Swept Away, Precautions to Avoid Such Tragedies

Viral Video

Viral Video: On Monday morning, rescue teams discovered the body of one of the two missing children after a heartbreaking occurrence at the Bhushi Dam in Lonavala, Pune. After heavy rains in the area, the child was one of five family members who were carried away by the roaring waves of a waterfall. Officials stated that the hunt for the other missing child is still underway.

The Heartbreaking Incident

A rapid surge of water carried a group of people, including the victims, away on Sunday. The same day, the bodies of two young girls and a 36-year-old lady were discovered by rescue teams made up of police and Navy divers. Mariya Ansari, age nine, was discovered dead in a reservoir close to the scene of the tragedy on Monday. For Adnan Sabhahat Ansari, age 4, the search is still ongoing.

A group of nine or ten persons, including the victims, are shown in a disturbingly viral video of the Lonavala catastrophe stranded in the midst of a stream as floodwaters rush in. They are shown screaming for assistance, and family members and onlookers are telling them to hold on to one another. A woman carrying a tiny boy and another girl were swept away, followed by other people, as the water flow rose.

A Day of Tragedy

On Sunday, the bodies of Umera Adil Ansari (8), Amima Adil Ansari (13), and Shahista Liaqat Ansari (36), were found in the reservoir downstream. A family of 16–17 people from Sayyad Nagar in Pune’s Hadapsar neighbourhood hired a private bus, according to the police, to go to the picturesque location close to Lonavala for a picnic on the rainy Sunday.

Precautions You Must Take to Avoid Such Accidents

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