Viral Video: Tragic! 11-Year-Old Dies Playing Cricket in Pune After Ball Hits Private Part

Viral Video

Viral Video: Shaurya Khadwe, an 11-year-old child from Pune, tragically lost his life while playing cricket in a heartbreaking tragedy that shocked the country. The incident, which was caught on camera by CCTV, went viral and brought attention to the significance of safety gear in sports.

watch the viral video here:

Playing with Friends, Life Takes a Tragic Turn

When tragedy struck, Shaurya and his friends were playing cricket in Lohegaon, Pune. Shaurya was bowling when the batter smashed the ball hard, striking it directly to his private area. Shaurya can be seen collapsing right after the impact in the CCTV clip.

Friends Rush to Help, But Help Comes Too Late

Shaurya’s friends ran to his rescue as soon as they saw their friend fall. Even so, one friend made the tragically unsuccessful attempt to revive him. Shaurya was brought urgently to a neighbouring hospital, where medical personnel pronounced him deceased.

Importance of Protective Gear in Cricket

The importance of protective gear in cricket is shown by this regrettable incident. Cricket players, wicketkeepers, and even bowlers need to wear abdominal guards, especially ones that protect the genital area.

Abdominal guards are among the protective gear that several cricket organisations across the world have made essential in an effort to reduce the danger of serious injuries.

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