8 Effective Food Items to Improve Sperm Count

Author: Subhi Saxena  Date: 21/06/24

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Walnuts are rich in Omega-3, Fatty acids and folate which helps keep the sperm healthier. 

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Almonds are also packed with healthier nutrients like Omega 3, fatty acids and antioxidants like Zinc, vitamin E and selenium which prevents the sperm from damage. 

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Brazil Nuts

Brazil Nuts are beneficial for sperm count improvement and health. It has selenium which improves the quality of sperm and boosts the testosterone level. 

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Tomatoes have Lycopene which helps boost sperm quality. Studies suggested that men with at least two tablespoons of tomato puree consumption a day have better sperm quality. 

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Seafood is also effective in maintaining sperm quality. It has nutrients like Omega 3, Fatty acids etc which improves the health of the sperm.

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Green Leafy Vegetables

Green vegetables contain antioxidants that prevents the sperm from cellular damage and improve its mobility.

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Pumpkin Seeds

Pumpkin Seeds have Phytosterol which increases testosterone levels. Increment in the male hormone results in better sperm quality. 

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Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits have vitamin C which improves the mobility of the sperm and its count. 

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