Benefits of Keeping Cloves in Mouth

Author: Subhi Saxena Date: 07/04/24

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Clove has big importance in Ayurveda and it has many benefits too. It consists of protein, iron, carbohydrate, sodium, potassium etc. Let's know more about the benefits of keeping cloves in mouth.

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Healthy Gut

Clove has antioxidant elements. Chewing Cloves helps you from issues like acidity, indigestion, and constipation.

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Bad Breath

Chewing a clove help you from getting rid of Bad Breath.

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Teeth Issues

If your teeth have any kind of issues then keeping one clove in your mouth can be really helpful. 

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Clove water works like an insulin for the body and keeps the sugar level in check. For that keep one clove in your mouth.

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Healthy Liver

Chewing a clove every day keeps the liver healthy, it repairs the damaged cells and maintains the liver.

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Clove has an ethanolic element that prevents the body from viral infection and it protects urine tract from any kind of infection. 

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If you're always stressed and have headache issues then you should keep 1 clove in your mouth always.

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