Skincare Tips: 9 habits that cause under eye dark circles

Author : Nikshey Dhiman Date: 16/08/2023

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When you are tired for an extended period of time and are entirely sleep-deprived, the skin under your eyes becomes pale.

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With age, the skin in this area thins even more, letting the blood vessels protrude and resulting in dark circles.

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Genetics and heradity can also play a role in the development of dark circles.

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Check your iron levels. A lack of it might result in a darker under eye region. The most prevalent type of anaemia is iron deficiency.

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Any ailment that causes irritation in the eyes may result in dark circles.

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Poor Nutrition

Poor diet can also cause dark circles beneath the eyes. 

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Drinking & Smoking

Drinking and smoking can also produce dark circles beneath your eyes since they induce water loss from the body.

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Overexposure to Sun

Overexposure to the sun causes skin pigmentation and dark bags beneath the eyes.

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Hormonal Changes

Hormonal changes during menstruation and pregnancy affect the skin, and one of the side effects is an under-eye black circle. 

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