Tips to Prevent Yourself From Heat Stroke

Author: Subhi Saxena  Date: 28/05/24

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1. Stay Hydrated

Heat stroke can be a dangerous health issue in summer, to prevent yourself from it stay hydrated and drink a lot of water. 

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Use Ice Cubes

Make use of the ice cube to some special points of the body like the Wrist, Neck and Chest. This will cool you down. 

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Apply Sunscreen 

Applying proper sunscreen is necessary in the summer, as the heat can damage your skin severely. To prevent your skin use sunscreen.


Light Fitting Clothes

Wear Light fitting cotton clothes in summer, this will protect you from heat exhaustion and help you with the sweat issue.

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Stay near Coolers

In the terrible heat try to stay near the coolers or AC at home and don't go out unnecessarily.

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Cold Drinks

Keep on drinking cold drinks, coconut water, yogurt, etc to feel cool from within. 

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Stand in Shaded areas

When outside, don't expose yourself directly to the Sun but stand in shaded areas and cover yourself completely. 

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Proper Medication

Have proper medication to stay cool and avoid dehydration. There are certain medicines that can affect your body's ability to stay hydrated, look out for that. 

Credit: Google

7 Amazing Gadgets To Use This Summer 

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