Top 10 ChatGPT Prompts To Make Microsoft PowerPoint Easy

Author: Yogesh Bhardwaj Date: 03.02.24

Create a PowerPoint Outline

"Can you help me create an outline for a PowerPoint presentation on [topic]? Include key points and potential subtopics."

Credit: Freepik

Generate Slide Content

"Provide content for a slide about [specific aspect] in my presentation. Include relevant facts and a catchy headline."

Credit: Freepik

Design Ideas for a Slide

"Suggest design ideas for a slide related to [theme]. Include color schemes, layout suggestions, and any visual elements that would enhance the message."

Credit: Freepik

Introduction Slide Assistance

"Craft an engaging introduction slide for my presentation on [subject]. Include a brief overview and a compelling image or graphic."

Credit: Freepik

Create a Visual Timeline

"Help me create a visual timeline slide for my project. Include key milestones and use graphics to represent each stage."

Credit: Freepik

Comparison Slide Content

"Generate content for a slide that compares [two or more elements]. Include bullet points highlighting the differences and similarities."

Credit: Freepik

Conclude the Presentation

"Craft a conclusion slide for my presentation. Summarize key points and suggest a call to action or concluding statement."

Credit: Freepik

Interactive Elements

"Propose ideas for interactive elements in my presentation, such as polls, quizzes, or clickable links. How can I make it more engaging?"

Credit: Freepik

Improve Slide Transitions

"Suggest creative transitions between slides to make my presentation flow smoothly. Consider the overall theme and tone."

Credit: Freepik

Optimize for Accessibility

"Provide tips on how to make my PowerPoint presentation more accessible. What features should I include for a diverse audience?"

Credit: Freepik